Tuesday, November 8, 2011

God works

in mysterious ways!

I've heard it all before. As a little girl growing up in church, I've heard people use it in everyday conversations for everyday situations. Not until recently have I really UNDERSTOOD the saying.

Meet our best friends.
( on Shane and mines wedding day)

This is Adam and Alice Ann. Husband and wife. Best friends. and two people that give me strength.
A few months ago, Adams mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Stage 4.
The outlook wasn't good from the beginning, but as a family, they fought the awful disease. Things went from bad to worse as he watched his mother suffer in the hospital for weeks. She wasn't eating, losing weight, getting sick, basically passing away before their very eyes. Shane & I tried our best to be there for them, but not knowing what to do took a toll on us both. We hated to see our friends go through this, and prayed for them everyday. We got the phone call from Alice Ann early one Monday morning that Ms. Sharon had passed. We were heartbroken for them, but again, tried our best to be there and comfort them.

Who knew that only a week later, I would need them more that I could ever imagine. My father was diagnosed with Lymphoma about a month ago. Last week, we got word that the cancer had spread to his intestines & liver. I felt like my world had just collapsed. I love my daddy more than ANYTHING, & am a self proclaimed daddy's girl! Of course, Shane was there for me and has been my rock... but what really got me through that day was my two very great friends. Having someone there for me that had JUST been through this, to tell me that is was ok to feel and cry, was absolutely encouraging.

"God works in mysterious ways"

Like I said earlier, I never really understood that, until now.
Shane & I have been married for 6 months, Adam & Alice Ann... for almost a year.
We are young, our marriages are young, but we are all there together. To cry, to pray, to laugh, to hug... to help.

I have been so blessed by them, & amazed at God's insurmountable love.
I could call myself lucky...  but God is a mighty and loving God. & through him, ALL things are possible.

My dad started chemo on Monday, but we got some great news!! The doctors have moved him down from stage 4 to stage 3. They now believe the spots they found on his intestine and liver are not lymphoma but the beginning of diverticulitis. PTL!! Please continue to keep him in your prayers... for we still have a long road to travel!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Game day on the Plains!


It's a great day on the plains! & I LOVE lazy Saturday mornings watching football with Shane. The Auburn game is on & I (at this point) am scared to watch. I wish we liked the same team, but I enjoy our every Saturday picking, bickering, and victory dancing.

Shane & I have a busy next few weeks planned. work, work, work, and more work. Only a few more weeks till our mini-vacation to Kansas City. I'm so ready for a "break" from our everyday life. But until then, like I said, work work work  : (

I'm still trying to get a hang of this blog things, so I hope you can just hang in with me for a few post. Thanks for reading!!

- Katie